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Social, and Governance

Our Mission

The main mission of our enterprises consists of contributing and building a better future for all. It is an honor for us to be able to follow your projects from start to finish while putting respect for others before all else and counting on our multicultural team to make us proud.  


Our first objective, is, and always will be, to complete projects, no matter the scale, in an ingenious, rigorous, and effective way, while staying within budgets and timelines. We make it a must to stay as close as possible to the vision of our clients. 


Furthermore, our management team is entirely convinced that it is thanks to innovation that a company can grow and remain sustainable. Moreover, thanks to evolution and innovation, our company will remain competitive in a continuously changing market. We are proud to offer our clients innovative projects and solutions adapted to fit their needs.


The security of our employees and partners is the absolute priority of our company. We work tirelessly to minimize risks and injuries on all worksites. Thanks to the help of safety experts, we have put in place strict safety protocols to maintain everyone’s security at all times.


Transparency is an essential value in the eyes of our leaders and we are always available to respond to any questions and queries you may have, within our legal mandates.


Protecting the planet for future generations has a significant importance for our company. As a responsible corporate citizen, we have always been committed to minimizing our environmental impact and contributing to our community. We are proud to be able to say that we put a lot of thought and value into our energy choices, in order to reduce our carbon footprint for future generations.

The Team

KGC Energy – Piedmont is proud to be a business where both our field and administrative staff are dedicated to the success of all our projects. Our electricians are passionate and set themselves apart with their qualifications and concern for a job well done. Furthermore, they are known for striving for excellence in all aspects of their work. 

In addition, we have a team of professionals (foremen, superintendents, project managers) who, thanks to their seriousness and the work they do day after day, are a supporting team that our electricians cannot do their work without. In managing our multiple projects/worksites in an effective manner and ensuring open communication with our clients, our professionals ensure that throughout the project, from the first idea to the planning project and the execution of the work, everything is implemented to ensure a result that meets the expectations of our customers. 

Moreover, we cannot ignore the essential roles played by our company’s administrative staff. In fact, without the staff who work on the physical premises of KGC Energy DePiedmont, electricians and other construction site professionals would often be lost in the amount of work that needs to be done ahead of getting to the site.